Here’s a report from Kevin Gaughan, assistant coach of the Roger Sherman Debate Society, about the team’s successful performance in the Cal State Fullerton Debate Tournament in early January:
“I would like to extend my congratulations to Renan Max Hamoy, Kianna Woodard, Ben Townsend, and Ben Allen for what was WCSU’s best performance ever at the Cal State Fullerton Debate Tournament [in early January]. The Fullerton debate tournament has long been considered one of the most competitive tournaments in the country, and both teams posted winning records in the novice division. Ben Townsend and Ben Allen advanced to the semi-finals of the entire tournament, losing a split decision debate to the eventual champions from San Francisco State University.
“R. Max Hamoy also deserves special recognition for winning an award for being the second best speaker in a competitive novice bracket. His accomplishment, together with the overall success of both teams, has distinguished WCSU as a competitive debate program on the national scene. Congratulations again to all who debated and keep up the good work in the spring semester!”
Way to go, RSDS!